

Full Paper Templates

Submissions should be prepared according to the conference template.

1) Submission must be written in English and follow the instructions at manuscript formatting and templates;
2) Submission should be limited to a minimum of Six (6) printed pages including tables, figures and referencess;
3) Submission must should contain original, high quality, not submitted or published elsewhere work on the topics of the conference;
4) Submissions not respecting the formatting instructions or page limits may be rejected without review.

All submissions to the GTEE 2024 will be reviewed by reviewer to ensure an adequate standard, that the proposed subject of the submission has been followed, that the paper is of a suitable length, the standard of English is adequate and the paper is appropriately referenced. Please refer to the Review Process.



Abstract Templates

For those papers do not want to be published but presenting (oral or poster) and discussing at the conference, you can submit an abstract for presentation only. Abstract should be written in English and contains 200-300 words. The abstract will not be published but only included in the conference program book.



How to submit

Once you prepared your paper, please submit your full paper or abstract via CMT submission system

▪ First-time users of CMT should register a account firstly, then upload your paper to the system.
▪ Your submission will be confirmed immediately by the system and in 2-3 working days by conference secretary. Please make sure that you set SPAM settings to allow emails from gtee_conf@163.com
▪ For any inquiry about the submission, please feel free to contact us at gtee_conf@163.com.